Pioneering the Future of Cardiac Health
Our mission
Neocor’s mission is to uncover novel innovative therapeutic approaches for heart regeneration and repair.
Neocor is dedicated to pioneering transformative therapies in cardiac care.
Our mission is to address the critical challenges in treating cardiac diseases, focusing on preventing cardiomyocyte death, promoting cellular regeneration, and halting fibrosis to preserve heart function.
By innovatively targeting the root causes of heart disease, Neocor aims to revolutionize cardiac treatment, prevent the progression toward heart failure, and significantly improve both the lifespan and quality of life for those suffering from cardiac conditions.
We are committed to advancing heart health through groundbreaking research, therapeutic innovation, and a relentless pursuit of solutions that regenerate, repair, and renew.
Our approach
Our technology combines two distinct and complementary approaches to treat ischemic and rare genetic cardiac diseases.
Our Founding Team
We form a highly complementary and seasoned team mixing entrepreneurial spirit and scientific expertise in the field of cardiovascular research.
Our Scientific Advisory Board
Meet our Scientific Advisory Board, a diverse group of distinguished global experts from academia and industry who will help us guide our cutting-edge research.
Our Partners
Their support fuels our collective ambition.

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